In this day and age there is so much pressure to conform to a society that focuses on 'what you have' and ' what will you be if' instead of 'who you are', There are questions you can ask yourself that will bring you back to the present moment and where happiness is.
Are you in a job that makes you smile?
Does your job give you a real feeling inside you heart and stomach that you are doing something with a purpose and enjoying the time you spend with this purpose? If so this this is a healthy and ultimately uplifting life you have made for yourself. If not, you are creating your own illnesses mentally, physically and emotionally day in, day out. This needs to change.
Do you like who you are?
I mean, really like yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. Close your eyes and check in with these 3 states. If one is or more of them are out of line, why? Can you do something about it? If yes then work out ways to do this. Discover more by asking for help online, an expert or friends an family that have your best interests at heart. Asking for help gives you the support you need and shows you, you are not alone. Write 10 positive sentences about yourself and look at them every day. My advice to you would be to look at yourself every day in the mirror with these positive words and repeat them until they stick. Manifest YOU.
Do what scares you...
Yes! Scare yourself a bit every other day, week or month. This activity brings you into a state of BLISS. There is a flight or fight response imbedded in this activity. You can choose either one, but to feel true happiness you need to choose fight. If you are scared of public speaking..... a little every day can help until you decide to make the leap to a talk that you organize and give to an audience. This is something I had an issue you with for years until I decided to do something about it. I joined a public speaking course and manifested that I could speak clearly and with meaning. I went from can't speak at all to speaking without preparing. Just talking from the heart.
Give yourself what you need...
Prioritize YOU. Imagine that you were given a small vulnerable human being and you had to keep this human being in good health, nurture, love and show this human being the best that this world has to offer. How would you care for this human being? would you give it the best foods, information, sleep, environments including company and activities? Have a good think about this. When you say no to people, situations and environments that are not inline with your highest good.... this is when your smile gets bigger.
Are you good towards other beings?
This includes every living organism on the planet. How you treat others, is a direct reflection on how you feel about yourself. If you are angry with someone, you have anger within you. If you are happy with someone, you are happy inside. Go back to no. 4 and check your priorities. By checking your priorities you will see if anything is out of line and if it is, then you will not be treating anyone with the kindness you should be. Its basic KARMA. Do good, feel good and be good. Disharmony creates disharmony.
Routine and ritual
Keeping a good routine that changes according to the day of the week, every other week or month can give you a sense of stability and something to look forward to. You are creating movement. This movement is a flow and allows you to keep momentum. Create a ritual that suits you. If you are religious then pray and manifest. If you are spiritual then meditate and manifest. We need to connect with the universe in whichever way feels right. This is the key to happiness.
Be still and everything that doesn't belong will surface. Being too busy is a way of deflecting your need to remove trauma. If you switch everything off and be at one with yourself, you will discover your true authentic self. Peace.
Discover wellness at home with the Karma Mama and create a retreat of your dreams